This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Data model

This extension is based upon the new framework of extbase / fluid included in TYPO3 4.7 (and later) The following graphic shows the extension model

Extension model

The ER model of the extension


Except the objecttype Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser which is build into extbase all further objects are stored in their own tables:

Property Title
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject Root entity holds rating objects
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf Storing the step configuration
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepname Language aware names of the steps
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating Concrete instances of ratingobects
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote User votes of the rating
Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Voter Proxy entity to frontend users


Holds the basic information on anything you´d like to rate

  • ratetable: the name of the table you like to rate
  • ratefield: the fieldname within the table you like to rate (distiguishing fields makes it possible to configure multiple ratings on the same tables)
  • stepconfs: Each ratingobject must have ratingsteps configured (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)
  • ratings: To do ratings on each row of a table this link is required (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating)


Holds all information how to rate an object

  • ratingobject: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject)
  • steporder: ongoing sequence counting the number of ratingsteps
  • stepweight: every step could have a different weight configured (eg. 3 steps having the second weighted double). Normal value would be 1 on every step.
  • Stepname: links to the localized stepname if entered (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepname)
  • Votes: Every vote given by a frontend user is connected to its ratingstep (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote)


Holds localized speaking texts for stepconf entries

  • stepname: speaking text to set a name on every step. This would be displayed in different cases.
  • Stepconf: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)


Holds information of every rated row of an object

  • ratingobject: Hold the connecting information to the parent object (Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Ratingobject)
  • ratedobjectuid: hold the identifier of the rated row
  • votes: Every vote given by a frontend user is connected to its rating (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Vote)
  • currentrates: calculated rating statistic summaries for performance reasons


Holds information of every vote given by frontend users

  • vote: Each vote is linked to a ratingsteps (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Stepconf)
  • ratings: Each vote is linked to a rating (see Tx_ThRating_Domain_Model_Rating)
  • voter: Each vote is linked to a valid frontend user (see Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser)
  • hasRated(): checks if the FE-User has already rated
  • hasAnonymousVote: checks if anonymous rating has already been done
  • isAnonymous(): checks if this is an anonymous vote


Wrapper object for default Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser